It is now!!

In an SFA season for the ages, DNB FC claimed a dramatic double (only the 3rd in SFA history I believe?) in one of the closest run and frenzied, come from miles behind, championship wins.

Mickey D and James show the trophy to their adoring fans at Duppas Hill Park.

Their extremely jammy purchases of Cole Palmer and JP Mateta meant that Michael (the face) and James (the brains) meant that DNB were able to finish outside of the bottom four for the first time in their history!

SCJ board discuss the incredible DNB late season effort!

Our hearts go out to Sam Connor and Josh who dominated the league from week one to week 36, yet managed to miss out by just three points in the final shake up as their dominance of the season finally petered out.

Globex Corporation were the top scorers in the final week, a last and only consolation of the season for Phil as the GC board now look to replace him after a poor season on the pitch. Their board believe the manager, if not living in La La Land, was certainly living in Haa Haaland. Will he buy him next season?

All fivers were refunded as – surprise, surprise – no-one thought that DNB had a prayer of winning the title immediately after the auction! Indeed, Vicario Dibley’s weak finish meant that Bob, Tommy, MJ and Jack all missed out on £18.75 having tipped the Dibs for victory.

For info, Phil’s fiver went on Globex Corporation, meaning he was a mere 283 (two hundred and eight three) points away from glory! What could have been eh?

Congratulations to all on an excellent SFA season, particularly the group of ultra competitive managers, whose number now include Ollie! And also to Sam and Sophie who will be collecting some cash for the first time ever! Indeed, they are not paying out for the first time ever!

Please keep August 17th AND 18th clear in your diaries if you can. When the fixture list is published next month I will confirm which date we are going for. If anyone has any great suggestions for improving the league (the FA Cup a separate cup competition in the SFA, how we decide who is listed as a striker etc (I suggest we do that before we attend the auction) etc etc, I’d be keen to hear them.

This means that the money finished like this. Please bring cash to the auction (if you aren’t able to make it let me know and I will give you the bank details to transfer to me.

The collectors – MJ £100, SCJ £40, SS £20, Tom S £10 and Bob £25.

The middle of the road ‘nothing to see heres’ – Dazza £0

The list of losers! – Becca, Jack, Matt & Rach and Paul & Kaz £10, Ollie £15, Dave £20, Tommy £30, Callum £40 and poor old Phil £50!

Enjoy your summer and don’t forget to rest your players well!

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