Unfairs cup goes to a replay……

IN the SFA’s much vaunted Unfairs Cup Mickey D and James’ attempt at winning their first ever silverware will have to wait another week as the keenly awaited final v Half a Mill Phil finished 2-2. If only the bone-headed manager of Half a Mill Phil had picked Tielemanns. Bo**ocks!

Should the midweek fixtures be included for the Unfairs cup final replay?

In the league Aesthetically Pleasing top scored with 45 as Dazza’s last ditch effort sees him pop above Jack’s Roy Division in the fight for “not paying out” in 6th place.

Also on the up this week were Vicario Dibley who seemed to have righted their sinking ship with 36 points this week and they take a 27 point lead into the last week of the season. But don’t forget the FA Cup final points will count too!

In murkier waters Tommy managed to claw his way above Dave this week to possibly save himself a tenner and Ollie may save a fiver by inching narrowly ahead of Matt and Rach!

Selections this week – please account for Spurs v City (Tues) and Bri**ton v Chelsea (talk about a dilemma for the home and away fans) and Man Utd v Newcastle (Wed). Ideally, select your team today and make alterations of other teams’ players if you need to. Hope that makes sense?

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